The Angry Birds Movie 2 (also known as simply Angry Birds 2) is an upcoming computer-animated comedy film based on Rovio Entertainment's Angry Birdsvideo game series, produced by Columbia Pictures, Rovio Animation, and Sony Pictures Animation,[N 1] and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. The sequel to The Angry Birds Movie(2016), the film is directed by Thurop Van Orman and John Rice from a screenplay by Peter Ackerman, and stars the voices of Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad, Danny McBride, Bill Hader and Peter Dinklage reprising their roles from the first film. Joining the voice cast are Leslie Jones, Awkwafina, Haley Tju, Brooklynn Prince, Rachel Bloom, Eugenio Derbez, Sterling K. Brown, Zach Woods, Lil Rel Howery, Dove Cameron, Beck Bennett, and Nicki Minaj. It is currently scheduled for release on August 16, 2019.
The Angry Birds Movie 2 Senimagharhd
The Angry Birds Movie 2 (also known as simply Angry Birds 2) is an upcoming computer-animated comedy film based on Rovio Entertainment's Angry Birdsvideo game series, produced by Columbia Pictures, Rovio Animation, and Sony Pictures Animation,[N 1] and distributed by Sony Pictures Releasing. The sequel to The Angry Birds Movie(2016), the film is directed by Thurop Van Orman and John Rice from a screenplay by Peter Ackerman, and stars the voices of Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad, Danny McBride, Bill Hader and Peter Dinklage reprising their roles from the first film. Joining the voice cast are Leslie Jones, Awkwafina, Haley Tju, Brooklynn Prince, Rachel Bloom, Eugenio Derbez, Sterling K. Brown, Zach Woods, Lil Rel Howery, Dove Cameron, Beck Bennett, and Nicki Minaj. It is currently scheduled for release on August 16, 2019.